
Tommy 3 Month Pictures

I can't believe that Tommy is already 3 months old! At his last doctor visit he landed int the 95% for length & 90% for weight. He is growing like crazy. He is now wearing his 6 month clothes! I took him to get 3 month pictures & really hated the photographers & only ended up ordering 2 pictures just to be polite. Then I thought to myself that I can take just as good if not better pictures of Tommy so here is my attempt! (By the way, my husband is in love with baseball if you didn't already know)

Vic's mom made this blanket & we absolutely love it and get lots of compliments on it.

I love these blue eyes.

Tommy can't sit up yet so every time he laughs he throws out his hands & falls over so it's a chore to try to catch him at the perfect moment!

Overall, I think they turned out pretty good for my first photo shoot so I think I'll keep on doing it!