
My Pride & Joy

I feel like I've been the busiest bee ever lately trying to finish up a zillion projects & here are a few of them. I started this blanket for Vic's anniversary gift last year & figured I'd better finish it before our next anniversary! It took so much time that I think it will be my first & last pieced together quilt, but Vic was DYING to have a huge levi quilt so I couldn't help but spoil him ;) It's huge & covers my entire front room floor!

This project took MUCH less time & was so much more gratifying! I hated the color of our fireplace so I dyed it the same color as the wood on our couches & it tied the room together nicely. Here is a before & after.
...and here are the little joys in my life. We went to Idaho Falls for the 4th so here I am holding baby Kiersten & Kara is sitting next to me. They were so much fun to be with! (Katie, Becky, & Mom in the background are joys too!)

Here we are doing sparklers. This picture would be perfect if you could see all of tiny Kiersten (on the left) holding a firework! It was so adorable until she set it on her head!


  1. that blanket is so fun. I didn't realize you'd been working on it for that long. It's always so great to finish projects!

  2. You have been quite the bee I'd say. Wait a go on the projects. You have my vote for the new mantle too. Brytton said he got a text from Vicotr on the 4th while you guys were watching the parade. Oh, we wish we could have been there. I really like the festivities that Idaho Falls does for the 4th. Glad to see you had such a fun one.

  3. Nice work on the quilt! One of these days...

  4. Go Nancy!!! That's quilt is quit an accomplishment.....I would have had to have my mom hold my hand to get through it. :)
    I love the dye you used on your fireplace. It looks really, really good.
    Glad to see you enjoyed the 4th with family. Can you believe they don't do parades out here in Nashville?? What wierdo's. Ha!!!

  5. Wow! I am so impressed with your quilt. So, I am in the middle of finishing the post you just commented on--you'll have to look again, because I have so many pics I wanted to post this time--they just take FOREVER to upload. I'm cleaning my house at the same time. My work schedule this summer has been switching around a lot due to swapping days with people. But, my days are still M-W. Are you and Vic coming this way anytime soon? We need to take a Lake trip!

  6. Nancy, I love you quilt!! I was going to give up on making a jean quilt, but I think I may still try it yours turned out so cute! I like the mantle too! Have fun working on all your projects....you'll never has as much free time again. ;)

  7. Your projects look great! Good job!
