
A Very Merry Christmas

We stayed home for Christmas again & I love having our own little Christmas. It's so nice to not have to haul our presents all over :) We stayed in Twin on Christmas & then got to go to SLC the day after. I'll have to post pictures of that later since I broke my camera cord. :( We were running behind for Christmas lunch so Vic only let us take one family picture & luckily it ended up turning out pretty good!

I don't have many pictures of Tommy & us, but I sure love this one with Vic. Both look so charming in their red sweaters :)

Then I decided to set up my own little photo shoot with Tommy for his 1st Christmas.

He's so good at having his eyes wide open!

And here he is in his "1st Christmas" stocking. He barely fit in there with his wide little chest.

He wouldn't hold up his head very good, but he looked so handsome & grown up in this cute white shirt.

I hope you all had a MERRY Christmas!! Love ya!


Tommy is here!!!

Payton Tommy Sutherland

December 13, 2009

8 pounds 3 oz

21.5 inches long

22 1/2 hour labor of love!

Above is the 1st sight I had of Tommy. They didn't give him to me until 10 minutes after he was born, but he was sure cute with eyes wide open! Below is when he's almost a day old right before we left the hospital. He loves sucking on his lower lip or fist.
I never did get a picture of just the two of us in the hospital! So this is our 1st one together. He's a day old. Notice how huge his hands are. I can't get over how long his fingers & toes are!! The first thing his baby doctor commented on was the "skis" he had on as feet! Hopefully that means he'll be a tall basketball player :)

Here is a picture I took of him tonight. This is how he looks most of the time. He is always so peaceful & sleeping. So far he's a great baby :)

My Dad & Lana were his first visitors. They were life savers & brought Vic & I dinner too. I was starving after not eating & being away for so long!

I was so glad that Katie was able to come with them too :) (my little sis)

Up next was Vic's parents. We didn't get a picture in the hospital, but they brought us dinner the next day at our house. We were supposed to stay another night in the hospital, but I insisted they let us go. I hate hospitals & couldn't wait to get home!!!

Vic's brother Roger & Jessica in the hospital. It was fun to see Roger so excited to meet little Tommy. He seemed just as excited as Vic did!

Then he brought his little girls by today to come say hi.
And now for my storyy....

After nine months of being pregnant I woke up on Saturday morning with what looked like my first little red stretch mark. That's when I decided I better have this baby today. I walked on my elliptical for an hour. Then when Victor got home I went and shoveled the whole neighborhoods sidewalks for two and half hours, then came home and took a bath and an hour later went into labor!

5pm Saturday night I started having contractions
9pm They started getting strong enough to have to breath through them
11pm I started crying through them
1am I thought I was going to die & needed an epidural ASAP
3am They finally got around to checking me to see what I was dilated to. I'd gone from nothing a few days earlier to a 4. I was pretty upset that the dang nurse took her sweet time while I was ready to pass out.
4am The anesthesiologist finally got there & relief came at 4:30
6:30am I'd been in labor for 13 1/2 hours so they broke my water to get me going faster
8:30am I dilated to an 8
10:30am I dilated to a 9 & the doctor told me I'd be ready to push in 30 minutes to an hour.
12:30pm I got the shakes & started vomiting tons & tons of water. The doctor really didn't care that I wanted to get the show on the road :(
2:30pm The doctor finally decided that I'd waited long enough at a 9 and my epidural was wearing off & I was dying so he gave me one drop of pitocin. (He wouldn't give any more because I only have 1 kidney)
3:30pm: I finally felt like I had to push & popped him out in 4 little pushes in 4 minutes!!!

So yes, we made it through safely, but boy was it WAY too long & THANK HEAVEN for EPIDURALS!!! The only bad part is that I pushed him out a little too fast & have a million stitches. I can't get up or down without help, but Vic of course is an amazing help. He has to leave tomorrow to take a final in Pocatello & my sweet Sis is driving over to take care of me while he's gone. Thank goodness!!!!


Pregnancy update

Okay, well.... not much happening! The Doc was going to induce me last Friday, but since my body wasn't doing anything he decided to wait. I don't mind waiting, it just seems SO much longer after I was counting on the 4th. Today they did a baby stress test & the baby looks good & my body seems to be handling it fine so no inducing, just waiting & seeing. He thinks the baby will come on Friday or Saturday. I sure hope so!!! Hopefully by then I'll be over my MONTH long cold too! Oh yes & for the gritty details (don't read if you don't want to know).... I'm effaced 80% & dilated to a 1.