
Pregnancy update

Okay, well.... not much happening! The Doc was going to induce me last Friday, but since my body wasn't doing anything he decided to wait. I don't mind waiting, it just seems SO much longer after I was counting on the 4th. Today they did a baby stress test & the baby looks good & my body seems to be handling it fine so no inducing, just waiting & seeing. He thinks the baby will come on Friday or Saturday. I sure hope so!!! Hopefully by then I'll be over my MONTH long cold too! Oh yes & for the gritty details (don't read if you don't want to know).... I'm effaced 80% & dilated to a 1.


  1. good luck, that's exciting! It's hard to wait, but it will hopefully be a really eventful weekend for you guys!

  2. I'm glad you posted, because I was thinking about you this weekend and going to call you (but never made it to calling you)

    Good luck with getting Tommy here!

  3. YAY!! I've been checking your blog everyday knowing the baby could be here any day. I'm So Excited for you and Vic. Can't wait to see what the little one looks like. WAHOOO!!!

  4. Thanks for the update. We are so excited to see how it goes!

  5. i've been thinking about you so much and waiting for an update! and it sounds like your little friend will be here in no time! that is so exciting! i just can't wait to see pictures!! hang in there.. just a few days left it sounds like! :)

  6. How exciting!! My body never did anything either so I understand your feelings! It's not long now!! Be sure and let us know right away :)

  7. Oh good luck. Waiting is SOO hard! You will do great!

  8. Katie called to let us know he was born. And we also got the text from Vic. Congratulations you guys! We are so happy to have another sweet little guy in our family. We will be anxiously awaiting pictures!

  9. Congrats!! Hope things are going well! Looking forward to seeing pics of your sweet little guy!
