
A Very Merry Christmas

This year was especially fun with Tommy being old enough to participate and being able to move without the pain of postpartum strains. Here is our cute little Christmas family (and 5 month prego belly)

We saw LOTS of Vic's family for Christmas. We did Christmas Eve at Vic's brother's house. We had the elf deliver our Christmas pajamas there this year. Here is Tommy cute as ever in his new jammies :)

Here is a little glimpse of how crammed & crazy it is with the Sutherlands. I always feel like I'm stepping on someone the entire time I'm there! This is 1/2 the kids dressed up to act out the nativity scene while his brother read it from the scriptures.

Here is Christmas Morning. Tommy checking out his stocking. He instantly grabbed the big toy sticking out, but it took some more coaching for him to check out the rest! I thought he'd be pretty excited I gave him a sucker cuz he loves them & I never let him have them, but Vic's stalking had oranges & peanuts in it & he went crazy over them instead! He grabbed an orange & ate right through the peel then did the same with a peanut!

My cute boys dressed up for PRESENT TIME!

Tommy has a unique way to open his gifts. I'll walk you through the
1. Jump & Climb all over it
2. Tear off the smallest pieces, peek inside, & try to play with it before all the wrapping is off! ...and then continue pulling off pieces little by little.
3- CRY because you are so impatient that Dad can't get the toy unattached from the box fast enough. (make sure to cry with EVERY gift for the same reason!)
4- DIVE into boxes no matter what there size is (even if your face is the only thing that fits!)5-EAT the packaging
6- Make a MESS of yourself
7- Find the garbage & try to make a mess.
and finally... PLAY with new toys!!! :)

And here is our happy little camper with most of his presents. He is CONSTANTLY moving these days so its hard to get a picture that he isn't in action!

Later we went to Vic's parents house for lunch and played games that made us laugh the ENTIRE day & evening!

...and games that made 3 grown brothers hold hands, so cute :)


  1. Your photos are super cute. Little Tommy-Santa eating the packing peanuts cracks me up! Ha ha! I'm glad you had a great Christmas. We haven't unpacked our computer yet, but we were at my Mom and Dad's so we were using her photos, camera, and computer. But hopefully soon! We are in the process of tearing out the old and re-doing the electrical in the house and then installing the new stuff. I'll have to post some pictures of that soon

  2. Kara and i quite enjoyed the gift opening process. what a silly boy! looks like you guys had a pretty fun Christmas. Don't kids make everything more fun?

  3. I love that you walked me through Tommys gift unwrapping step by step. He is such a cute little Mr. Cracks me up. Glad to hear your Christmas was wonderful. Much love to you and your family.

    P.S. You are so tiny .... love that little bitty belly. Only 3 more months to go!!

  4. I love Tommy's little Santa suit! CUTE! I hope you are feeling as great as you look!

  5. I love the little santa outfit! What a fun Christmas. I wish we could have seen you guys.
