
4th of July

This post is a little out of order, but I wanted to post one of my favorite holidays! I love dressing silly & all RED, WHITE, & BLUE! I always feel so much pride being able to live in the land of the FREE. I've always loved this holiday, but I love it even more ever since I lived out of the country & realized just how great our country is! Here is our family decked out for the 4th :)

I didn't plan on being in IF for the 4th, but they celebrate it so well & since we don't have a parade I thought we should go for Tommy's sake. He was really into it & didn't want to look away from all of the excitement.
One of my favorite things is making festive food so here is what I created for this year. My sister Katie helped me put it all together for her fiance's family BBQ.

I saw a picture of this on someone's blog & didn't know what they did for the star part cuz it was at a weird angle so I made up my own... blueberries on fruit pizza & then did star shaped fruit pizza for the other platter... Vic's favorite.

Here is my adorable little firecracker. It was fun making her booties, headband, & bracelet for this special occassion!

My 2 kiddos... Tommy just stares at the camera and refuses to smile at it these days no matter what sort of jumping jack, crazy tongue face Vic makes!

Summers are for barbacues!

We went to the neighbors BBQ last night and I put Whitney in this outfit for the first time & I was just tickled pink with it! Every day I am just amazed at what a little dolly she is & so fun to dress up :)
Last weekend we went to my Grandma's birthday BBQ on my dad's side. I've never been that close to them so it was really fun to get to know my cousin-in-laws a lot better. I have some really fun relatives! I wish I lived closer to get to hang out with them all more often. Here is Whitney with her Grandpa (my dad!). They look so sweet together.

Tommy loved getting spoiled & having Grandpa push him around in this car. If these things were only 5 bucks then I'd run out and get one asap. They are the smartest invention to have a long handle like that!

Here is Tommy with his first pinata. He liked it a lot better when they gave him a baseball bat to use. He is a natural baseball fan (possible infuenced by his daddy!)

Once the pinata was broken Tommy got a sucker & didn't care about the rest of the candy... he was interested in the toys though & happy to have some new bath toys :)

I helped my sister make stuff for her wedding & it was nice because Tommy was entertained by my mom's cat Yoshi. Poor thing got chased all around the house by him. I have allergies to most animals so he is never around them & thinks they are SO fascinating!

We got some free stickers in the mail so I gave them to Tommy & it is the first time he showed interest in them. He loved putting them EVERYWHERE! His favorite place to put them was Dad's hair. I should have taken a picture of the 2 of them together!

We went to our friend's house today to "swim" and Tommy was in love with their slide! He had so much fun until he was beyond exhaustion. He fell asleep before we even got him in his crib. He jumped down the stairs part & acted like it was a slide. I thought he'd cry, but he loved it.

...just look at that little daredevil's face. He gets such an adrenaline rush when he does scary things. It is so funny that they learn stuff like that so early!

Needless to say our summer has been so much FUN!