This post is a little out of order, but I wanted to post one of my favorite holidays! I love dressing silly & all RED, WHITE, & BLUE! I always feel so much pride being able to live in the land of the FREE. I've always loved this holiday, but I love it even more ever since I lived out of the country & realized just how great our country is! Here is our family decked out for the 4th :)
I didn't plan on being in IF for the 4th, but they celebrate it so well & since we don't have a parade I thought we should go for Tommy's sake. He was really into it & didn't want to look away from all of the excitement.
One of my favorite things is making festive food so here is what I created for this year. My sister Katie helped me put it all together for her fiance's family BBQ.
I saw a picture of this on someone's blog & didn't know what they did for the star part cuz it was at a weird angle so I made up my own... blueberries on fruit pizza & then did star shaped fruit pizza for the other platter... Vic's favorite.
Here is my adorable little firecracker. It was fun making her booties, headband, & bracelet for this special occassion!
My 2 kiddos... Tommy just stares at the camera and refuses to smile at it these days no matter what sort of jumping jack, crazy tongue face Vic makes!