
September Update

September FLEW by so here's a few pictures to try to cover it all...

I turned 29!  Tommy loves blowing out birthday candles so he was of course my little helper.  Ben's family came up to help me celebrate my birthday weekend & this picture of Kiersten is all the proof I have. I kept forgetting my camera!  We went bowling for the 1st time in quite a few years & I have definitely not improved.  We also went to the zoo, park, & played LOTS of games! :)
Tommy & Whitney love jumping in the crib together.  Here they are at Tommy's favorite friend, Andrew's house.
Silly boys
 I've tried to pull out the craft box a lot more this month & Tommy & Whitney love it.  Here they are with their sock puppets.  Tommy loved his so much he made me draw pictures of them for the fridge & they are constantly pulling them out to play with. 
 This summer was brutally hot & humid so we could never stand to be outside. Now that fall is here the kids are loving spending lots of time outside on their bikes & at the park.
 I thought Tommy loved the sand at the beach & why he was obsessed with talking about the beach, but he calls this little pool the beach so I guess sand or water makes him happy.  This is the first time we got Whitney to relax quite a bit more in the water.  She was hesitant at first but by the end she was jumping off the edge of the pool to Vic.
 Here's a fun bouncy course at the Autumn Festival. The kids could play all day on this, but we finally had to end it because Whitney needed help getting through it & it was too tiring for us oldies!
 We've taken the kids to a couple of different pumpkin patch/wagon tours.  They are really loving everything about fall!  In this picture you can see Tommy's poor nose sore.  It was so hard to look at him the first couple of days; it looked so bad!  He did it running down the driveway.  Our driveway is kind of steep so he enjoys the speed he picks up if he runs down it.  Now I cringe every time he does it!
 We also got to find out what we are having for baby #3 so check back for that!!!

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