I always make a decorative treate, this year was red, white, & blue chocolate dipped strawberries!
This blog is dedicated to Katie! Our latest & greatest update!... We took off work early so we could head to our cabin in Island Park for the 4th. There's nothing more patriotic than camping, campfires with hot dogs & s'mores, and boating! Okay, I guess we could have squeezed in a game of baseball, but Vic would have been too high in the clouds if we squoze that in too! I hardly took any pictures because it seemed like everyone else was already on top of that so hopefully I get pictures back from them! We had a hilarious parade around the island in the morning that was very festive & fun followed by lots of playing on the lake & good food. We had an island dutch oven feast & it was SO good... best I've had in a long time! Then we played games until a boat parade & half of us watched fireworks from the dock and the Vic and I and the kids watched it in the boat in the middle of the lake. I'd never watched the fireworks that way & I must say that besides the kid factor it was quite romantic :)