Friday: Vic's brother's birthday so we all ate out & then played games at our house afterwards.
Saturday: We took treats to all of our neighbors for the first time this year & I didn't realize what a time consuming activity that was! Each neighbor wanted us to come in & talk for an hour! I felt rude cutting all of our visits short! We have the NICEST neighbors though! I am so happy to live in such a great neighborhood. Next, Vic & I invited Vic's neices & nephews to play in the snow, but their mom's said it would be too cold so we decided to play anyway without them! It was fun. We built a slide & a fort. Then that night we had a Christmas Party with Vic's mission buddies & their families.
Sunday: We had ANOTHER Christmas party for Vic's family! We didn't think we'd be here on Christmas so we had everyone over for games & treats.
Monday: I spent hours shopping for a family in need with 6 kids, then we spent the whole night wrapping all of their presents.
Tuesday: We delivered the presents to one grateful little family. (it was so fun, I can't wait to adopt another family next year!)
Wednesday/Christmas Eve: We played in the snow with Vic's sister Cindy's family then just the two of us went out to eat at Applebee's (one of my current favorites)... then we went over to Vic's parents house to watch a Christmas movie & games until 1am. The roads were so bad on the way home, we could hardly see 5 feet in front of us & almost ran into a tree that had blown into the road!!! Yikes (unfortunately it still clipped my car & left it's mark, but I'm glad it was nothing more)
Thursday/ Christmas: I loved having our own little breakfast & Christmas presents... plus there was no rush so we opened one present & enjoyed & looked at it before opening the next. I liked it done this way, but it did take us until 11am! Afterwards we went out to Vic's parent's house again for dinner & games all night.
Friday: I woke up sick :( ... but I promised myself Christmas I'd eat whatever I wanted because I was going to work out the next day so I worked out sick anyway! Then I went out to spend my Christmas money (I was very sick, but I had to get the most for my buck with all the sales!!) Anyway, I found this beautiful red coat that I am SO excited about! I have been wanting one like this forever! That night we had promised 3 nephews a sleepover so I wrote my talk for Sunday while Vic played games with them until late.
Saturday: I woke up even sicker, but I had 3 little boys to entertain so I forced myself out of bed & got them breakfast, played games, and then even went out in the snow for awhile! I made them lunch & then they got picked up by their uncle... THANKS Roger! I tried to recoupe & regain enough energy to go out to Vic's other brother's Christmas party. We played MORE games out there! They had dinner, but we had to leave early to go to ANOTHER birthday party! Happy Birthday to Justin! (Vic's best friend). It was fun & we played our usual rounds of pinochle and... we FINALLY won a round! Usually we stay at their house really late, but by this time I was just too exhausted (being sick & still running around everywhere)
Sunday: I woke up & couldn't even think straight so I slept for HOURS! I missed my talk that I worked so hard on, but my wonderful husband read it at church for me. I finally came out of bed at 2pm and felt a lot better, but still in pain so I took a pain pill from when I got my wisdom teeth out & I felt MUCH better! Enough that we still were able to make it to our backyard neighbor's for dinner... another fun neighbor/blessing! Then I finally got my own calling.... teaching 6 year olds in primary! I love that age & I am excited to start!
Monday: I CLEANED all day & organized every drawer & closet! Then had movie night :)
Tuesday: ANOTHER family Christmas/New Year party at Vic's parents house!
Did I mention we have ONE more party tonight at Vic's parents?!?