
Happy Days & Hidden Smiles

Yesterday was one of those days when I went to bed with a literal smile on my face. When it came time to pray I couldn't think of anything to ask Heavenly Father for because I was so overwhelmed with gratitude and filled with thanks for our many blessings.
The day started off good because I got to sleep in an extra 30 minutes thanks to Vic dropping Tommy off at the sitter & work starting 10 minutes later today.  Then I woke up to Tommy smiling away with his Daddy. At work I started reading the ensign while I pump & today I was reading the General Conference addresses & they really uplifted me & aspired me to be a better person.
On top of that I got a long lunch with Vic since he is on jury duty this week so we relaxed in our backyard, soaked up the sun, & had a picnic out there w/ Tommy.  I had one of those moments that made me love being a mommy/wife serving on Vic when he layed back on the blanket and exclaimed "This is the LIFE!"

 As I was leaving work I spotted an old couple hobbling down the sidewalk & they were holding hands. CUTEST thing ever. It made me smile. It reminded me that the night before we were at the restaurant & Vic & I were play fighting over who got to hold Tommy (an ongoing battle!) ...and I looked up in time to see a middle aged couple sneaking a smile at us... which made me smile again because I wonder how often strangers make us smile & how often we get to put a smile on stranger's faces too.
Vic got off of jury duty early so once again I didn't have to pick up Tommy from daycare & I came home happy from having a easy day at work &I got to come home to Vic making Tommy laugh hysterically for a LONG time. It was so much fun!
That same night we went and played baseball which I love doing just because it is a slow paced sport that lets you soak up the good weather. Plus it's always fun chatting up my lady friends :)
I ended my perfect day by going to the gym at 9:30pm. I knew I should really just go to bed, but my triathlon is getting close & I hate to miss a workout. I have been struggling with doing the full workout, but last night it was a good feeling because I can feel my mind getting stronger & not giving in when I get tired. I proudly completed the entire workout & at a higher pace than I normally do. Another reason to pat myself on the back and smile :)  Very detailed day, but I just had to share one of those perfect days!


Tommy's 4 Month Pictures

Okay, well more like 4 1/2 month pictures, but I am finally taking the time to play around with what my computer can do & I think these photo collages are so much fun!

This is my favorite picture of the day :)