To CELEBRATE I made Vic his favorite breakfast, banana cream pie and after work had his 1st professional massage booked for him. He loved it, I'm so glad I found someone good! After that we went down by the river then ate at Canyon Crest. It had a great view & the weather was perfect, but I forgot to take a picture! Then we went to LAS VEGAS for the weekend which ended up being twice as fun as I planned! I had looked up a lot of stuff online, but I figured we still have too much time to look around. Not so, there is NEVER ENDING things to do in Vegas! The first night we stayed on the strip & went to the "V ultimate variety show" which was so good. It had comedy, dancing, acrobatics, flying guys, and magic tricks. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile & loved hearing Vic laugh just as hard :) We wanted to see all of the night shows outside of the hotels & didn't end up getting back to our hotel until 2am!
The next day we slept in, had a yummy lunch & Vic unsuccessfully tried his luck at poker while I went shopping for our new BABY BOY! That's right we found out right before we left. Vic is beside himself with excitement! I was hoping for a girl, but a boy will be fun too :) The little guy wouldn't look at the camera, but here is a profile.

Vegas has never ending shopping & I wish I would have had 5 more hours to do more! After shopping we met back up & went to a magic show which was cool, but this guy was such a cheeser (not near as good as the night before). Anyway, we watched that then had just enough time to get down to our next show "The Mentalist". It's the true guy that they've made the show after because he can read people's minds. It is a totally crazy talent & he even had Vic stand up & told him his full name even though there is no way he could have known that! It was so good & I was so tempted to buy his DVD & book! After that show we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner & I wish we had one of those near us. It was so yummy! I love their huge menu.
We then went & checked into the Ritz Carlton & it was so fancy. I'd stay there again every time if I could afford it. They definitely know how to pamper their guests, plus they have the nicest rooms too :) Here is a picture of their cute little shopping village. I felt like I was in the movie Beauty & the Beast.